Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm a procrastinator

I must admit, even as I'm sitting across the room from my mom, that I am 100% procrastinating! I have an english project that was supposed to be due Tuesday at 12! Thank God for snow days!! :) This is honestly the most pointless project I have done in a while, actually almost all of my english projects are stupid! I have to write a 3-5 page tale with prologue written in the style of couplets! Honestly, when am I EVER going to write in couplets! I could see how that would be helpful if I were to be the next Dr. Seuss, but I'm not...So it's of no use to me.

Okay, I'm done complaining!

Two Muffins were baking in an oven. One muffin turns to the other and says, "Oh My Gosh it's hot in here!" The other muffin says, "Holy Crap... A talking muffin!-one of my favorites :)