Today on my way home from my grandparents, Marco and I had a dance party as we bopped to the music on his iPad. As I stared out at the country roads, I couldn't help but contemplate the years gone by and how much my little man has grown. From being this ultra-charming, sweet, innocent boy whom we thought may forever be nonverbal to the sassy, still ultra-charming and handsome young man he is today. I believe that everyone has at least one person that has an impact on that person, some more than others. And then there are those, that so radically change your life that you can hardly recognize yourself compared to the person you used to be. Marco is that person for me.
When we adopted, my family was fully aware of his needs, ready to take on the challenge and love the cutest Mexican we have ever laid eyes on, just as God loves us, our shortfalls and all. We were, and still are, prepared to spend our lives dedicated to helping him achieve his independence and full capabilities. I mean, is that not what we are called to do, invest in others so much that they are able to become who they were created to be, reflecting the love of the Father through their skills and abilities? I wholeheartedly feel this is our purpose, this is our call, our job, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and one way to do so is through following his example of his relationship with the disciples. And as much as this topic excites me and is something I am dearly passionate about, it's for another day.
Over the years of living with Marco, I have learned it's not what I want. It's about him. It's about his needs. His desires. His happiness. And though it is hard at times, to sacrifice a morning of sleep to attend to Marco, it was all worth it. It has been worth the long nights, early mornings, and both trying and joyful days. This makes me sound as though I am his mother. Maybe it's the age difference or the special connection, unspoken bond, between us that guides my attitude towards him to be so much more maternal than normal.
For those of you that haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting Marco, I am terribly sorry. I am sorry that you have not been able to meet the (not even kidding) cutest Mexican on Earth, with a smile so charming I am sure he could win over even the most hardhearted of people. And though his humor takes a while to warm up to, once understood, he is hilarious! Yesterday, when taking down the Christmas tree I stood on the ottoman to reach a few of the higher lights/ribbon/ornaments and while doing so Marco cried out "NO FALL!!" I proceeded to tease him and pretend to almost fall on the tree/tip it to scare him a little and each time I did so he responded with a deep belly laugh that seemed to radiate throughout the house.
I think back to the days of old, when after first moving in with us we would rock him to sleep him at night, to help bond with him. Moments I am so grateful to have gotten with him. And each night, while laying in one of our arm's, drinking his carnation instant breakfast (for extra nutrition) we would sing Matthew West's song "More" to him, creating memories that bring a smile to Marco's face and tears to my eyes upon recollection. So let me end with:
"I love you more than the sun and the stars, that I taught how to shine. You are mine and you shine for me too. I love you. Yesterday and today and tomorrow, I'll say it again and again, I love you more."
I love you more, Marco! (Googly Bear)