So the other day I was listening to my Spotify playlist and the song Marry Me by Train came on. I have to admit, I LOVE this song! And after talking to my sister about it, and swooning over the sweetness of it, I realized how creepy/awkward/strange this song really is. For example, the whole music video, the leader singer is hanging out in a cafe just watching a waitress work! How does that not raise red flags as to his character? Second, he has never even said Hey to this girl and he is asking for a proposal?! "If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe, say you will". Excuse me sir, this is not 1400 nor Romeo & Juliet, the proper etiquette for inquiring the approval of your proposal to someone comes only after an extended amount of time of dating/courtship/romance, or whatever you may call it!
I realize that I am not the most romantic person on Earth, however, we have logical thinking and practicality for a reason! If Romeo & Juliet had simply used their brains (I know it's a stretch, what 14 year old boy really thinks when it comes to girls?) their would have been so much less trouble! Instead of jumping the gun and killing himself because his lover had "done the same" had Romeo thought this through and recognized that she wasn't ENTIRELY dead, no drama, no play, and no analysis for future high school freshman! Boom! Problem solved!
I just feel that Train has jumped the gun a little and is heading down the Romeo & Juliet path with this song, so put your junk back in your trunk and get your emotions under ontrol. That is all.
Q: How do you wake up Lady Gaga?
A: Poke-her face! :)
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