Wednesday, October 31, 2012


At the beginning of the semester I was assigned a blogging project, where essentially I had to enter 20 blogs by the end of the semester. I was super stoked because I thought it would be super easy! While in South Africa, I had tons to write about and even if I wasn't writing about my adventures I was constantly surrounded by inspiration to jump start my brain. However, the more I try to work on this and not put it off, the more and more I realize that since coming to college my life has been consumed by classes, homework, work, and sleep. All of my writing is now academic based, leaving my creativity glass looking more half empty than half full. I have gone from writing for fun and for letting everyone know about my ADVENTURES to writing simply to fulfill a homework assignment. What has happened? Simply stated: college. And to be frank, for this reason I hate college. I was told that college will be some of the best years of your life, soak them up, it goes by SO quickly, being in the realy world sucks, and so on. And yet, here I am three months into my college career dreaming of days gone by in Africa and Hong Kong. My life has gone from being consumed of Jesus, worship, and BEAUTIFUL people to anthologies, bibliographies, and exams. I want that zeal back. I want that inspiration back. But most of all I just want that passion for life back. That driven love of life that even when it got bumpy (and it got bumpy a lot in South Africa) I could still look around and say life is good! That God is good!

So here is to fresh starts, fresh attitudes, and fresh passions. My goal is to fill my creativity (and my passion) cup so that they are overflowing. And if that means postponing homework to listen to music and spend some Jesus time, so be it. Here it!

Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?
A: An investigator!! :)

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