Monday, October 22, 2012

Deja Vu for Eeyore

I have recently been considering leaving Vermillion and going to the University Center for school next semester. I am not very happy here and would much rather be home. However, in this time of seeking God and what He wants for me and where He wants me I feel as if I am in foreign territory. I have no clue where I am supposed to be...This being said, part of the reason I have not been very happy here in Vermillion is that the lack of social life that I possess. (Not that I have one in Sioux Falls either but at least I have my family) I was thinking today at lunch, alone, that the reason I don't really have a large sphere of friends is the same reason I didn't in Texas. I came in after relationships were relationships. After people became acquainted with others. After people had become accustomed to campus. And here I am, in the same EXACT scenario as Texas, trying to wiggle my way into relationships only to be "told" that there was not really room in this group of friends and that I don't really belong.
So where does this go from here? I don't really know. I have quit so many other things in my life that I feel that by leaving Vermillion I am "quitting" in a sense. But at the same time, I don't belong. I don't party. I don't like large crowds. I like the quiet. I prefer to be alone, quite a bit lately. And I am in bed most nights by 11:00. Maybe I should just go live in a nursing home, because based off of my last few statements that seems about the only place I could live contentedly.
I apologize for my complaining post but somehow I need to vent, and since I have to have 20 posts for my composition class this seems more productive than journaling. Killing two birds with one stone.
We will see where this goes, but I feel that this will most likely end up with moving boxes and class registration in Sioux Falls. I mean, it's not quitting if I am still pursuing my degree. Right? Right?!

What English taught me: I before E, except after C. And when you run a feisty heist on a weird beige foreign neighbor.

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