Monday, December 3, 2012

Best Study Session EVER!

So earlier tonight Kayla and I decided to go to the library to get homework done together since we have been procrastinating on it like there's no tomorrow. We stopped at UBrew to pick up some coffee/tea to help with the lack of energy and I'm nearly positive the outcomes of tonight are a direct result of the amount of caffeine within our systems. So once we got into the study room, chaos ensued. Both Kayla and I continued to procrastinate on Facebook despite both of our determination to finish homework. I started to set to work and began to chant "I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!" before breaking into a whine along the lines of "I don't WANT to do this!!!..." Yeah...motivation failed me at that point. I then proceeded to notice Kayla continuing to puruse Facebook and told her to get off when she so sassily responded with "I'm sorry. NO! I'm not sorry!!". Then later in the evening I asked to Kayla to throw away my coffee cup for me since she was closer and snarkily responded with "Yeah. I will be able to make it in anyways." In which she then proceeded to throw the coffee cup and miss the trash can all together. Which was followed by a string of "Dang it! Shoot! Crap!" shortly after.
After a while of productive working I asked if we could listen to Christmas music, to which Kayla replied "As long as it isn't like 'OOOOOooooohhh. OOOOO. ooooooh.' kind of music." Are we listening to ghosts? Then later on in the evening we sang Feliz Navidad together while making funny faces. I'm rambling so I will stop now.

All in all, it has been one of the best study sessions I think I have ever had. And I still have two hours left :)

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