I am feminist. I said it. However, I am not the beat my chest "I don't need a man!" type. I believe in the fundamentalist values of feminism. The values that originally started each wave of the feminist movement.
I had always thought that children were my passion. That I was destined to work with children and that any career that did NOT involve children was simply not for me. In my sociology class though, we have been discussing societal issues, naturally, ranging anywhere from feral children to female genital mutilation to racism to crime. And as deeply as the issues/problems revolving around children hurt, those involving women hurt equally as much if not more. As a woman myself, I know how it feels to objectified by society and to see when subjected to this daily for a profit for men (and sometimes women) disgusted me beyond comprehendible means.
I recently read a book called "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge which so eloquently encapsulated every struggle I have ever had as a girl maturing into a woman. (It was fantastic by the way, if you haven't already read it, you should!) In the beginning of the book though Stasi explains where women came from, our creation, our purpose and I could not have said it better myself. She goes so far as to say that woman is the pinnacle of creation, and not to toot our own horn, it's true. Stasi goes on to say, "In one last flourish creation comes to a finish with Eve. She is the Master's finishing touch." There was something missing when it was only Adam. There was no suitable helper for him. Beyond that God makes Eve to be Adam's helper. Not in the sense that we think of help. By English definitions help means to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need. By biblical standards, and by mine, this definition sucks! The original text of Genesis called Eve an ezer, which means more than just help. It literally means "to rescue, to save" and "strength", and is used only 21 times in the Bible. 2 times in reference to Eve, 3 times to nations that provided military assistance to Israel and the rest of the time referring to God himself. This should say something about the character of women then, that if we are created in the image of Him and that He is more than just someone to help us get out of trouble, Eve (we) is (are) the same.
Feminism was originally not created to squash out men. To say that we as women are strong enough to do it completely on our own, because let's be honest we're not. Feminism was created to show that women are off equal stature to men. There has been a quote floating around on Pinterest that I adore. I'm not sure the author, regardless I feel that it perfectly encloses feminism "Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arms to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him." Here is where the true crescendo of creation takes place, at the unity of man and woman. Figuratively speaking though, this connection goes beyond marriage but rather creates a world where men need women as much as women need men. I believe in feminism being an advocate for the equal treatment of women. From slavery that they are so often ensnared into. For the respect they deserve for what they have contributed to our world.
So where do we go from here? We educate ourselves. We dedicate ourselves. We work together as a community to work towards the equal treatment of women everywhere. We take a stand against human trafficking, against female genital mutilation, against international surrogacy, against child brides, against child soldiers, and we fight. We won't win this war. We can't. Eve will not be fully restored to her glory until Jesus comes again, but until then I believe we can work to give women their dignity. Show them their worth, that they are the pinnacle of creation and are the image of a loving Creator (a love we will never fathom) that exemplifies qualities of love, grace, gentleness, mercy and tenderness that are all exhibited within Eve. This is our goal. To unchain the shackles that hold women down to be submissive, to be helpers to man, working in community with them only to help them gain profit.
If you are interested in getting involved in any way possible I implore to do research. There are SO MANY organizations that work towards the equality of women in any circumstance, location, and belief. In Sioux Falls you can check out Be Free ministries, if you are in Dallas, check out Jesus Said Loved. Other super cool ministries include : Vision Nationals (they run ministries to orphans and widows in India) or International Princess Project. If you are interested in any of these ministries you can contact me (email, text, phone call, comments, letters, tweets, whatever way have you) and I can give you more information. This is not a fad ministry or single handed endeavor. No, this takes a collaborative community working together for generations to come to free women from the bonds of objectification, disrespect, and enslavement that ensnare women, to ensure that Eve reaches and understands her place as the pinnacle of creation. Will you join me?
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