Wednesday, December 5, 2012

One year today

One year ago, today, I was sitting on a bus bound for Johannesburg on the first leg of my journey to Hong Kong. I can't believe how fast time has flown since then and as I reflect on my time there I cannot say thank you enough to the Hong Kong base. I realize now just how incredibly helpful the staff there was!!
Our team was given a fully furnished, quaint little apartment to use while we stayed there. Plus as a bonus, there was nothing upstairs except a big open room which was perfect for prayer and worship. I remember one time, Renette went up there to make a phone call late at night and when she went back down to the apartment the door was locked and she was without a key, so she slept on the cold concrete floor that night! I remember waking up and wondering where Renette was, only to find out later that she had slept upstairs. We all felt so terrible!! It was refreshing to be able to buy our own groceries for the first time and under Renette's careful watch, eat healthily.
The staff at the Hong Kong base was more than helpful by providing lectures that we had missed out on in the first half of our trip. By being super supportive and some of the friendliest people I have ever miss! It is evident how well gifted this base is with hospitality. Everyone is inclusive of one another, offering help and support when necessary. Stepping in to provide reconciliation for my team, a gift I am grateful beyond words for! I appreciate everyone at that base and want to wish everyone there the best!
I cannot believe how fast these past few months have flown by. I have been home for close to 9 months, and as is evident from my last post, itching to travel again. I think my parents are a little apprehensive though, so this girl is travelling about as far as Chicago lately. Again, though I cannot express my gratitude towards the HK base and will forever cherish memories from the short 6 weeks spent there. I look forward to future Christmases spent in Hong Kong participating in the Christmas ministry once again!!

All my love,
Manda :)

Oh happy day!

So I have officially decided I don't want to live in America. I would rather live in Africa: Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi, Rwanda, wherever! I have come to the conclusion that to be honest, life in America is boring!! Let's be honest, what do most people do when they get home from work? Make dinner, put the kids to bed, and watch TV. What happened to adventure? When did sitting in front of a TV for the remainder of the night become the social norm?
I lived my life more fully in those short six months in South Africa than I did in the rest of my life. I suppose if there was a drastic shift in the normalcy of life within the US I would consider staying. But what happened to having friends over for dinner on a Tuesday night? Or going to a movie on Thursday? "Well you know...It's a school night.." SO!! People don't live anymore, they merely survive with a few bouts of enjoyment here and there.
I want to live. I want to experience life. I want to kiss cheetahs and play in the ocean. I want to be surrounded by children and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. I want to enjoy food for it's quality and not because of its sustenance. I want to write everyday and read more. I want to not know what's going on with this celebrity or that but constantly be in the know of how my friends are doing. And I had that in South Africa.
Maybe it was because of the community lifestyle present, which could be implemented back in the states. But most often, people prefer to shut their doors and leave them that way, whether physically or metaphorically. But in Africa, doors and hearts alike are wide open. Welcoming. Accepting. Warm. Genuine.
I want to live life to the fullest, so that I can look back and feel that I truly ENJOYED my life. I can't promise that there won't be regrets, in fact I can guarantee that there will be. But in the end, those regrets will be far outweighed by the joy of knowing that I am fulfilling what I am called to do, which is to love those around me. Whether that means those around me are down the dorm hallway at USD or down the dirt path in Mozambique.
I will be going back one day. But for now, I continue to pursue my degree because I know that THIS is what God has called me to at this point in my life. It just means that I have that much more of motivation to finish my degree so I can go back! Oh happy day when I board the plane destined for Africa! :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


When I first started thinking about writing a response to the language prompt I figured I would write about when I went to Hong Kong but the more I thought about it the more I realized how obvious it is to write a response to a heavily populated, small amount of English speaking country. So I thought I would write about when I first moved to Texas and the STRANGE language they use there.
When I first moved to Texas one of the first phrases I heard (besides y'all) was "Bless her heart". And to my naivety, I thought people were being genuinely nice. Nope, "bless her heart" in 'southern' actually means "What a hoe" or something along those lines. Other odd sayings include "On me like white on rice", "Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit" and "Barking up the wrong tree". Some I could guess the meaning, others I was left clueless and was never really given a clear answer as to their meaning. I think the Southerners don't even know what they mean!
I can't carry on too much considering I picked up a few of their quirks. Shortly after leaving for Africa I had referred to my teammates as "y'all" which resulted in me being nicknamed Texas. I have caught myself every once in a while saying "Bless her heart", and often feel like an imposter when it is murmured.
It's interesting because unlike Hong Kong, I never really asked for an interpretation (which I sometimes should have) when I didn't understand a phrase. I seemed to just smile and nod along pretending I knew exactly what the other person was talking about. And once I picked up on some of the lingo, it was amazing how much more people were careful what phrases were spoken when I was around. Interesting...
Coming back to South Dakota, I realize how much more of the language and phrases resonate with me. Not only do I know them all, but I use them on a regualr basis. I never feel lost or excluded from conversations anymore. And now I don't have to wonder whether when someone says "Bless her heart" if they are being genuine, because chances are here in SD they are!

Q: What did the fish say when he swam into the wall?
A: Dam!

Freud was right?

For as long as I can remember, I have been terrified of killer whales, yet captivated at the same time. Several years back I went to Sea World with my grandparents and during the entire Shamu performance was frozen to my seat out of fear yet amazement all in one, and when presented with the opportunity to meet Shamu, backed out. I'm not sure exactly why they terrify me, most likely because of their size and similarities to sharks (and I believe partly because of the name "Killer" whale, even though I full well know they don't eat humans).
Ever since I was a kid though, I have had a dream of being on a sailboat in the middle of the Arctic ocean surrounded by multiple pods of killer whales. I was the only one on the boat, something that I had no clue on how to manuever, being encircled by orcas. Throughout the course of the dream, the whales would grow increasingly brave and bump the boat throwing my balance completely off. It was typically at this point that I was shaken away, due to be "thrown" in my dream. And much like falling dreams I often woke with a jolt, suddenly thrown back into the real world. I tried to convince myself that it was just a dream but often times, I would wake up in a dazed state unsure of which universe I was really in, only furthering my fear.
This dream has haunted me for years and I have never been sure of it's meaning. I think that part of it stems from the fear of complete and utter helplessness in a setting that is not my own. Where I am the victim and am the mercy of the whales. I have never been a strong swimmer, despite how often my dad tried to teach me or help me, I seemed to be lacking the fish gene that my father seems to possess, so being in the middle of a freezing ocean is something that is completely out of my element and a fear factor in and of itself. I think the combination of my initial apprehensiveness of orcas combined with my fear of water and the feeling of helplessness has created this collection of ultimate fear that continually lingers in my subconcious. And much like Freud's hypothesis of dreams, I belive the brain reveals deeper levels of subconcious thinking and unspoken desires through dreams. If this is to be true and this dream stems from a deeper fear of water and killer whales then I should probably avoid adding 'kayaking with killer whales in Alaska' to my bucket list.

Q: Why did the whale cross the ocean?
A: To get to the other tide :)

Survival v. Satisfaction

Food has never been something used merely for survival but rather something that is used in celebratory situations and in certain situations for comfort. I hate to admit it, but often times when I'm upset I go for the nearest tub of Ben & Jerry's or when I have reason to celebrate off to go out to eat! This emotional connection to food has provided as a pitfall for years, often resulting in binge eating and attachment to food in ways that I shouldn't be. As a kid, I was extremely picking eating only chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes. I am proud to say though that as I have aged, my bravery in food as increased exponentially. Thus far in my life I have had bear, squid, octopus, shark, alligator, and crocodile!
I'm not sure I have a favorite meal or favorite food. But I really enjoy breakfast foods, any kind and any time of the day. I love eggs and waffles and french toast and pancakes and bicuits with gravy and hashbrowns. So I guess I would say that I have a favorite food or more a favorite food type. In contrast to my favorite foods, I definitely have foods that have made my "Hate" list, such as: enchiladas (for a long time it was anything Mexian), pot pies, and squashes/zuchini.
By travelling to South Africa and Hong Kong I have learned that I am a lot more adventurous with foods than I originally thought. And that it's not just an American thing to associate food with emotions, in fact I would say that other countries have more of an emotional connection than Americans, making me feel that much better about myself! Food, for me, is so much more than sustenance. It's an experience, a unifier, a conversation starter, and an adventure - one that I hope to always partake in.

I haven't done a joke in a while..
Q: Why wouldn't the oysters share their lunch?
A: They were 2 shellfish! (I know it's bad but it's the best I could find)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Romans 8:15

A week ago today, Nate was diagnosed as having cancerous cells in his system. And to be honest, upon learning the news I broke down. I would love to say that this was not the only time it has happened throughout this process, but I can't. I cried when Nate called me to tell me. I cried the day I saw him for the first time in the hospital. I cried the day ADEM showed up. I cried when I visited him in the ICU. But none of these were as heartbreaking as this last time. I thought that we were out of the woods and that the stemcell transplant solved this whole cancer thing, so to learn that it had come back with a vengance was literally heart breaking. To have to see him continue through these trials when I am so helpless to the situation is distressing.
I know that through this whole process, Nate has been guided by the Holy Spirit and it has been so encouraging to watch his influence that he has on others (including myself) through all of this. He has been so upbeat, rarely complaining, when others who have it far better gripe about every little thing. Nate has made sure he follows the Spirit in every decision he makes and it is more than amazing to be able to watch his faith mature and permeate throughout the hospital as he continues to focus on the Lord and all that He is doing in Nate and other's lives.
So last Monday night I broke down. I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired, emotionally drained, and upset. And as cliche as it sounds I ended up crying myself to sleep that night. However, I had to pick myself up for class Tuesday morning so I hopped in the shower before going to class and yet again, the tears came. This time though, I stopped abruptly. I heard someone whisper and soon after realized that whisper was from God. (I know it's SO cheesy but it's true!!) He was asking me why am I worried? Why am I afraid? Is He no the God of the UNIVERSE?! He then proceeded to tell me to chill my pants, that He has this under control and that He has not fully revealed His glory yet. That He knows exactly what He is doing, through Nate, the doctors, nurses, and even Nate's family and that one day His glory will fully be revealed but for now I need to trust Him, and if I had been doing that before this rediagnosis why couldn't I do it now? I then got the verse Romans 8:15 which at the time I just assumed the one that talks about "all things working for the good of those who love Him." But when I got back to my room later that day I decided to look it up and find out what it actually says.
"For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry "Abba, Father!". This verse hit me particularly hard for several different reasons.
1) I am called not to be AFRAID! It says in the bible approximately 365 times "not to be afraid". And over and over again, there are stories in the bible of seemingly impossible tasks being accomplished because of the power of God. (David & Goliath, Joshua & the wall, Sarah's conception, the virgin conception, Jesus feeding the 5,000, and so on) And yet here I am, wallowing in my cowardly ways, untrustingly afraid of what is to come
2) We are children of the Almighty God! I don't have kids but I have Marco and I know that I would do anything for that kid! If I feel that way about my brother, how much more does God feel about us? And if that's the case, then I can fully trust that our FATHER is taking care of Nate. That as his Heavenly Father He is sovereign and in control and loving on Nate more than I possibly ever could.
3) I don't have to worry about my prayers. I'm not saying that I don't have to pray at all. But I certainly don't have to worry about the words that I pray. I can trust that the Holy Spirit is interceding through me on Nate's behalf communicating to the Father my desires, heartaches, and needs fully knowing each one. What a relief!
4) Through all of these breakdowns from that one verse, I can come to trust that God's glory will be revealed for HIS glory and not for mine or Nate's or the Kittelson's. I can trust that though the path to seeing His glory may not be easy, it is good. I can trust that through His glory, God is in Nate, God is with Nate, and good is ahead of Nate. Guaranteed! I can trust that despite the situation, despite what I know (more of what I DON'T know) God is revealing himself to others through this and that Nate is developing one HECK of a testimony and has the opportunity that not everyone gets, to see God's glory to focusedly manifested through him onto others. What a blessing! And what a blessing for those of us that get to hang out with Nate!
I refuse to cry. Not because I believe it shows weakness, but rather because I believe there is no longer a use for it. If God is being glorified, then why should I be afraid?! I urge all of you to continue to pray for Nate as physically, he is not doing well. Please pray for physical healing but more imporatntly, I believe, that God continue to be glorified through this all, as I know He is.
I eagerly look forward to being home and possible seeing Nate again, but until then I continue to pray and trust in the Father and ask that you do the same.

All my love <3

The Human Shield

You are not going to believe this but I am actually a superhero. I have just compromised my identity to you but I feel it is in your best interest to know of this condition. I was born with mutant skin which is immune to penetration of any sort. For your safety I figure it best you know before this gets carried away. I was born this way and have used this as an advantage against criminals and the villians of the town, to keep civilians safe by becoming the Human Shield. Yes, that is me. But I'm afraid now that you know my secret identity, the confidentiality of this secret cannot be compromised and you will unfortnuately need to be exterminated. And this is why I cannot get my flu shot today.

Best Study Session EVER!

So earlier tonight Kayla and I decided to go to the library to get homework done together since we have been procrastinating on it like there's no tomorrow. We stopped at UBrew to pick up some coffee/tea to help with the lack of energy and I'm nearly positive the outcomes of tonight are a direct result of the amount of caffeine within our systems. So once we got into the study room, chaos ensued. Both Kayla and I continued to procrastinate on Facebook despite both of our determination to finish homework. I started to set to work and began to chant "I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!" before breaking into a whine along the lines of "I don't WANT to do this!!!..." Yeah...motivation failed me at that point. I then proceeded to notice Kayla continuing to puruse Facebook and told her to get off when she so sassily responded with "I'm sorry. NO! I'm not sorry!!". Then later in the evening I asked to Kayla to throw away my coffee cup for me since she was closer and snarkily responded with "Yeah. I will be able to make it in anyways." In which she then proceeded to throw the coffee cup and miss the trash can all together. Which was followed by a string of "Dang it! Shoot! Crap!" shortly after.
After a while of productive working I asked if we could listen to Christmas music, to which Kayla replied "As long as it isn't like 'OOOOOooooohhh. OOOOO. ooooooh.' kind of music." Are we listening to ghosts? Then later on in the evening we sang Feliz Navidad together while making funny faces. I'm rambling so I will stop now.

All in all, it has been one of the best study sessions I think I have ever had. And I still have two hours left :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nate's condition

Hey everyone,

For those of you that don't know, Nate had a bone marrow biopsy the other day and found out that the cancer has returned (if it ever even left?). Approximately, 60% of his cells are cancerous and it seems that it has returned with a vengance. He was given a dose of Methotrexate to bring back out of danger and are currently working on a course of action. I will keep you all updated as I know more. But for now, please continue to pray for healing, as we are all trusting God in that, as well as strength for his family and this is incredibly draining. Also, in the aspect of healing please pray for divinely quickened healing!! We are trusting in a full recovery but it gets so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the light continues to move!
Your prayers are appreciated beyond words and I continue to believe, even in the face of adversity, that prayer has significant power!

Thank you for all the love and support :)
all my love,

Monday, November 19, 2012


I thought it only fitting, that with Thanksgiving this week that I take time to actually reflect on what I have to be thankful for. And to be honest, when I first started writing my list it was extremely cliche with things like family and friends, but the more I brainstormed the more things poured out (some obscure and others revelatory). And the more I thought of things the more I wanted to add to my list but for time's (and your sanity's) sake I thought I would keep it fairly short.
  1. First and foremost I am beyond grateful for new life. The fact that I have been given a second chance by the Creator of the Universe astounds me everytime I think of it. Because, well to be honest, I am nowhere near worthy of a second chance. I am not even worthy of a consideration of a second chance and yet as a Father, God of the universe says "Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and saldals on his feet. Brong the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was adead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." Not only this, but the Father runs to me, meeting me where I am, in my shame and guilt letting me know that through Jesus Christ I am a "new creation, the old is gone, the new has come!" and for this I am forever thankful.
  2. From that first subject of my gratitude, all other gifts flow (and in abundance)! I am so incredibly grateful for family. I seriously have the best family on the earth!! I don't mean to brag or anything, but what family drives 14 hours to meet their daughter at the airport after coming home from Africa?! My relationship with both of my parents is such a HUGE blessing in my life, something that I so often take for granted. I am so blessed to not only have both of my parents alive and well but also in such an open relationship with them that I can come to them with seriously ANYTHING. I know some people say that, but I mean it, I tell my parents anything and everything. My sister is truly my best friend and one of the few people that I can divulge myself fully to without judgment. I trust her advice, knowing she has been through all this before, and trust her in keeping my best in her interests. She is passionate beyond belief and someone that I dreamed of emulating as a child, and still do as an adult. And then there is Marco. My sweet googly-bear. Even trying to express how grateful I am for this kid brings tears to my eyes (no joke). Marco has shown me a world filled with continual joy, even in the face of hardships, a world without prejudice, and a world filled with unabashed passions! I love each one of my family members more than I could possibly express with words and am overflowing with gratefulness that God would bless me with such an incredible family!
  3. Extended off of family, I am so thankful for my friends! Both Kayla and Ashton have been instrumental in shaping me into who I am in challenging me to become a better person, expressing my true without shame, and simply enjoying life. All the while, having the patience of a saint to deal with my constant worrying and overthinking of every situationt that has seemed to arise. And on top of it all, these two have gone above and beyond in working to keep the friendships sustained despite over 1,000 miles between us! I cannot say thank you enough to both my Heavenly Father but also to these two for being the two best friends a girl could seriously have!! And then there is Joel, Doug and Nate. 3 of the most genuine, compassionate, and hilarious, dare I say it, MEN that I have ever met! These three are constantly making me laugh and challenging to look beyond myself and meet others where they are, with them setting the example. I am so grateful for Joel's clearly God-given gift of knowledge and leadership and his mentorship that has helped provide an anchor in some serious times of need. For Nate's unending compassion and love for those around him, incredible patience that many of us could learn from, and Doug's ability to listen more than he speaks. Along with Kayla and Ashton, these three have guided me into becoming the person that I want to be but more importantly the person that God wants me to be, all while explifying his grace and goodness and earthly/tangible manners. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  4. This one has multiple facets but I am so thankful for the opportunities presented to me. I have experienced more in the last year than some people will ever get to in their lifetime. Not only was I able to fulfill my dream of going to Africa, I also got to go to Hong Kong. And on top of it all, when I got home I was able to attend University, something that so often is complained about and taken for granted in the U.S. This time last year, I was eating chicken (the closest thing to turkey I could get), mashed potatoes, and going to the beach. And so often I find myself complaining about the things that went wrong during my trip. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I am grateful beyond words for the experiences that I have had, even older ones such as the adoption of Marco, that has given me a clear purpose in life. I am so thankful to my parents for allowing me to go on the excursions, for allowing me to explore and discover myself and the world around, an experience that has forever changed me!
  5. And finally, I am thankful for beauty. I am thankful for the beauty found in the lyrics of a Mumford & Sons song, the complex skill of an artist such as Van Gogh, the love between newlyweds and in first time parents and their new baby. I am thankful for the gloriousness of nature, the vastness of the plains and the rolling hills to the lapping waves and stretching mountains. I am thankful for the beauty found in children, the joy that they so often bring into a world that desperately needs it. I am thankful for the beauty of people that no two people are alike and each having characteristics that establish them as "fearfully and wonderfully made". And above all, I am thankful for the beauty of the cross. (I know it's so cliche) but it's true! I am thankful for the beauty of self sacrifice and agape love. A love that is so undeserved yet so freely given and the beauty of it all.
There are so many things to be thankful for but to spare you, I figure that I should wrap up. I apologize for the joke this week, I scoured the web for a cute Thanksgiving joke and everything was either ridiculous or not funny. So here goes:
Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
A: Pilgrims!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Don't you fret, my dear

Kingdom Come by The Civil Wars
Run, run, run away
Buy yourself another day
A cold wind's whispering secrets in your ear
So low only you can hear
Run, run, run and hide
Somewhere no one else can find
Tall trees bend and lean pointing where to go
Where you will still be all alone
Don't you fret, my dear
It'll all be over soon
I'll be waiting here for you
Run fast as you can
No one has to understand
Fly high across the sky from here to kingdom come
Fall back down to where you're from
Don't you fret, my dear
It'll all be over soon
I'll be waiting here for you
For you, for you
Don't you fret, my dear
(Don't you fret, my dear)
It'll all be over soon
(It'll all be over soon)
I'll be waiting here
Don't you fret, my dear
It'll be over soon
I'll be waiting here for you
For you, For you

Run, Run, Run Away
Run, Run, Run Away

Friday, November 9, 2012

And the award goes to...

So the other day I was listening to my Spotify playlist and the song Marry Me by Train came on. I have to admit, I LOVE this song! And after talking to my sister about it, and swooning over the sweetness of it, I realized how creepy/awkward/strange this song really is. For example, the whole music video, the leader singer is hanging out in a cafe just watching a waitress work! How does that not raise red flags as to his character? Second, he has never even said Hey to this girl and he is asking for a proposal?! "If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe, say you will". Excuse me sir, this is not 1400 nor Romeo & Juliet, the proper etiquette for inquiring the approval of your proposal to someone comes only after an extended amount of time of dating/courtship/romance, or whatever you may call it!
I realize that I am not the most romantic person on Earth, however, we have logical thinking and practicality for a reason! If Romeo & Juliet had simply used their brains (I know it's a stretch, what 14 year old boy really thinks when it comes to girls?) their would have been so much less trouble! Instead of jumping the gun and killing himself because his lover had "done the same" had Romeo thought this through and recognized that she wasn't ENTIRELY dead, no drama, no play, and no analysis for future high school freshman! Boom! Problem solved!
I just feel that Train has jumped the gun a little and is heading down the Romeo & Juliet path with this song, so put your junk back in your trunk and get your emotions under ontrol. That is all.

Q: How do you wake up Lady Gaga?
A: Poke-her face! :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Guy Fawkes

So yesterday was Guy Fawkes day and even though it's not a South African holiday it is still celebrated within the country. I am not exactly clear of the meaning or origin of the holiday, all I know is that one year ago yesterday, a man lit a tire on fire and dragged it down the street and then abandoned it. I remember looking out the window with my friend Melissa freaking out because we weren't sure what was going on, and frankly we thought it was some weird voodoo ritual. Anyways, I was thinking about that night and began to miss days gone by. It breaks my heart to think that in a few months I will have been home for a WHOLE year!! The longer I'm home the more I miss Africa. I think I see some study abroad in my future :) But what follows is a list of the top ten things I miss about Africa:

10. The food - It's odd that I say this, but I actually do miss the food. I miss the rice and grilled cheese and apple snap soda! I found that I loss a decent amount of weight, simply because I was no longer bombarded with fast food and greasy food everywhere I turned. The Commons needs to step it up!
9. Cafe Kima - Their cake and coffee was delicious!! $4 for an enormous slice of cake and a latte. I can't even get a latte for $4 let alone with a piece of cake!
8. The base - I miss the comraderie of constantly seeing everyone. I will admit, it got tight and was difficult to find quiet time but it was so easy to find someone to talk to when you needed it!!
7. The adventure - Even though life in Africa became somewhat normal and routine, there was always the air of adventure. Be it going on a safari or cliff jumping, I experienced more adventure in six months than most people ever will in a lifetime.
6. My one on one - Ashlee Krull was the loudest person I have ever met! She is crazy, a little obnoxious, incredibly outgoing, and insanely crazy. It was comforting to be able to talk to someone who reminded me a bit of my sister, came from the same culture as me (she is also a Texan) and has a similar past and is able to relate. I miss our chats over at Cafe Kima over cake and coffee and visitng her at the Sunflower. (With her screaming like we were lifelong friends reuniting, every time we stopped by)
5. The CHOCOLATE! - I know that this is the third food related point in my list (most likely because my stomach is growling as I write this) but seriously, this chocolate was so good. Behind internet and souveneirs I think I spent most of my money on Top Deck (chocolate). Milk chocolate with a top deck of white chocolate that melts in your mouth in the size of a gumbo bar for only $1? YES PLEASE!!
4. All of the spirtuality - Americans (well North Americans) have a way of being incredibly reserved. You learn that crying is weakness, not to show your emotions and not to get overly passionate about God. Yet, Africa has fully embraced this and challenges the logic of why we reserve ourselves. One of my first days in Africa people were encountering the Holy Spirit, shaking, laughing, fainting, and crying. And though it was terrifying it was eye opening and challenged me to break out and really try to understand the Holy Spirit and the unexplainables of Christianity that so often us westerners try to shove in a box and explain away.
3. The children - OH MY WORD!! I miss the children! I miss kids running up to me on the streets simply to give me a hug. I miss kids begging to braid my hair, simply because it was different. I miss kids rubbing my skin because they were astonished by the fairness of it in comparison to their beautifully delicate coffee colored skin. I miss kids laughing at me and my accent or silly words. I miss their beautiful and joyful laughs filling neighborhoods seemingly everywhere you went. I miss being able to play with them and let them know that they are loved, a message that is often not received at home.
2. Tannie Petro - The mother (to translate literally my Auntie Petro) I so desperately needed on this trip and the divinely sent angel who restored so much of the trip. I don't think I could write an entire book about Petro and have said enough good things about her. This woman is the most compassionate, yet bold, woman you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Petro not only stepped in my DTS to help lead our outreach but sacrificed her plans of travelling to Brazil to help us out! I don't know many people that would do that. And even those that would, if they would do it with the same joy and passion that radiates from Petro. She was an inspiration and drill sergeant, challenging me to become a better person. Advocating for my team that had already lost so much. And on top of it all, one of her first weeks with us, she served us communion and washed our feet! Talk about a true servant!! She never once expected anything from us expect unabashed love for our Creator and his people, her leading the example! I love you Tannie Petro!! :)
1. My team - I know that those six months were hard and there was a lot of hurt, but the friendships gained are irreplacable and when it comes down to it what made the trip so great. My realtionships with Melissa and Renette are the foundations upon which we made it through the DTS. I know this all sounds so hokey and I apologize, however, I don't know how else to express my gratitude to these ladies. Some of my favorite memories revolve around the relationships that I built with my team including, but not limited to: New Years Eve in Hong Kong playing board games and spending time in prayer, going to Victoria's Peak with Melissa and Renette, walking to Steer's for ice cream, watching LOST with Justin and Melissa, and hanging out with Renette at "Auntie Gertie's" in Cape Town.

I so badly want to go back, and it's hard, wanting to just quit school and hang out in Africa for the rest of my life with the children. I know, though, that this is where God wants me to be so for now I will be patient and wait for the next time I get to go back. (Lord, please make it soon!!!)

Q: Why isn't gambling allowed in Africa?
A: Because of all the cheetahs! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


At the beginning of the semester I was assigned a blogging project, where essentially I had to enter 20 blogs by the end of the semester. I was super stoked because I thought it would be super easy! While in South Africa, I had tons to write about and even if I wasn't writing about my adventures I was constantly surrounded by inspiration to jump start my brain. However, the more I try to work on this and not put it off, the more and more I realize that since coming to college my life has been consumed by classes, homework, work, and sleep. All of my writing is now academic based, leaving my creativity glass looking more half empty than half full. I have gone from writing for fun and for letting everyone know about my ADVENTURES to writing simply to fulfill a homework assignment. What has happened? Simply stated: college. And to be frank, for this reason I hate college. I was told that college will be some of the best years of your life, soak them up, it goes by SO quickly, being in the realy world sucks, and so on. And yet, here I am three months into my college career dreaming of days gone by in Africa and Hong Kong. My life has gone from being consumed of Jesus, worship, and BEAUTIFUL people to anthologies, bibliographies, and exams. I want that zeal back. I want that inspiration back. But most of all I just want that passion for life back. That driven love of life that even when it got bumpy (and it got bumpy a lot in South Africa) I could still look around and say life is good! That God is good!

So here is to fresh starts, fresh attitudes, and fresh passions. My goal is to fill my creativity (and my passion) cup so that they are overflowing. And if that means postponing homework to listen to music and spend some Jesus time, so be it. Here it!

Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?
A: An investigator!! :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Deja Vu for Eeyore

I have recently been considering leaving Vermillion and going to the University Center for school next semester. I am not very happy here and would much rather be home. However, in this time of seeking God and what He wants for me and where He wants me I feel as if I am in foreign territory. I have no clue where I am supposed to be...This being said, part of the reason I have not been very happy here in Vermillion is that the lack of social life that I possess. (Not that I have one in Sioux Falls either but at least I have my family) I was thinking today at lunch, alone, that the reason I don't really have a large sphere of friends is the same reason I didn't in Texas. I came in after relationships were relationships. After people became acquainted with others. After people had become accustomed to campus. And here I am, in the same EXACT scenario as Texas, trying to wiggle my way into relationships only to be "told" that there was not really room in this group of friends and that I don't really belong.
So where does this go from here? I don't really know. I have quit so many other things in my life that I feel that by leaving Vermillion I am "quitting" in a sense. But at the same time, I don't belong. I don't party. I don't like large crowds. I like the quiet. I prefer to be alone, quite a bit lately. And I am in bed most nights by 11:00. Maybe I should just go live in a nursing home, because based off of my last few statements that seems about the only place I could live contentedly.
I apologize for my complaining post but somehow I need to vent, and since I have to have 20 posts for my composition class this seems more productive than journaling. Killing two birds with one stone.
We will see where this goes, but I feel that this will most likely end up with moving boxes and class registration in Sioux Falls. I mean, it's not quitting if I am still pursuing my degree. Right? Right?!

What English taught me: I before E, except after C. And when you run a feisty heist on a weird beige foreign neighbor.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My attempt at a political rant

The longer I watch/partcipate in politics the more I realize how much I ride along both sides of the aisle. This being said, I believe that both candidates for the next presedential election are terrible! As I was watching the town hall debate the other night I realized that neither have a clue on how to appeal to their targeted audience and would rather bicker with one another than prove to the citizens of the US as to why they are the ideal candidate. The targeted audience for Tuesday night was women, as most that were present at the debate and even in their own living rooms back home are more likely to ride the fence over which candidate to vote for. As the debate progressed the more and more Obama and Romney seemed to dig themselves a bigger and bigger grave. One of the biggest things that women hate and turn them off to people, mostly men, are bullies and Obamney (as the two shall be called) both proved to be one by constantly getting in one another's face and confronting one another in a disrespectful manner. Seriously?! If you know your target audience is women, which their campaign leaders and speech writers did, why would they badger one another and stick their heads up their a**?!
Obama lied Tuesday night, don't get me wrong Romney did as well, but it seemed that Obama had to rely on the moderator to at one point "bail" him out. And if those deceitful words flow from his mouth like honey, as they so eloquently did Tuesday night how am I to believe any other claims he has made over the past four years? President Obama was overly arrogant throughout the debate, leading to the demise of his argument. Most answers he beat around the bush, identifying the "weed" to the audience but not giving any instruction or demonstration of how he would deal with the so called "weed".
Romney did the same as well! "I have a 5 point plan!!" Ok, great, but what exactly is that 5 point plan of yours? Romney to say the least did play fair. I'm not saying that he has to best friends with Obama, which my prediction is is that they both play golf together and laugh at us "silly Americans" who get so heated about which side of the aisle you are from, but at least have some decency. Discussing the integrity of President Obama following the Benghazi attack was outright unnecessary and disrespectful. There are plenty of things I disagree with Mr. Obama about but I don't doubt his love for this country and that he holds the utmost respect for our troops and service men and women. This being said, Romney held no tact in his address to the president and often faultered in his argument making him seem less than educated about the issues and topics at hand. What message does this portray?
I'm not trying to sound biased, because honestly I don't like the idea of this country in the hands of either men but come November 6 it will have to be who will be the LEAST destructive to this country and economy.
May the best man win?

Joke of the day: The past, present, and future enter a bar together. It was tense! (cheesy, I know. I couldn't find any others!)

Monday, October 1, 2012


My "Been there, Done that" board is finally growing!! Over the summer, especially towards the end, I powered through several pins and made lots of crafts. Since then my Pinterest obsession has not waned, however, my craft making has! I decided this weekend that enough was enough and if I had time to sit on Facebook I had time to do some crafts :) So I upcycled an old leather crossbody bag by painting a section a blush pink and added cutout portions of fabric flowers! Check it out, I'm a little proud! I also tried using a study tactic I found, essentially you place a gummy bear on each paragraph of the book you're reading and when you reach the paragraph you can eat the gummy bear. It did not work so well. I skipped ahead and ate them all at once plus the amount of reading I have to do as a college student would significantly decrease my wallet while at the same time increasing my waist line. That was all I was able to accomplish this weekend but hey, it's better than nothing.

Stay tuned for more Pinterest creations! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Prayers for Nate

Hey everyone

Please keep Nate in your prayers today. He started the conditioning process today. It is a 6 day long process that involves intensive drugs to destroy his bone marrow. He has had neuro radiation for the past several days and praise be to God that pretty much the only side effects have been some headaches.

Please continue to pray that :
- the Holy Spirit moves through the hospital and through Nate
-that God would make himself clear to Nate in this time
-that the Holy Spirit would give the doctors not only wisdom but the skill they need to perform
-that the Father's love permiate throughout Nate and the hospital
-protection over Nate's healthy cells (particularly brain cells)
-and complete destruction of all the cancer/bad guys cells!!

Thanks friends :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Procrastination at it's finest!

Things I have done to avoid working on my English homework:
-take out the trash
-paint my nails (4 coats)
-sit on Pinterest for hours
-sit on Facebook for hours
-google study abroad programs
-look at study abroad programs for hours
-watch Arrested Development
-listen to the new Mumford & Sons album for hours
-do my algebra homework
-do my speech homework
-apply for a CA position

I am now out of excuses and energy! Time for bed and a crazy filled day tomorrow of class, meetings and tackling this unwanted English paper. Eh. Definitely not looking forward to grad school!!

Q: What do you call a cat that has 8 legs and likes to swim?
A: An octopuss! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hold On To What You Believe

I, I can't promise you
that I won't let you down
And I, I can't promise you
that I will be the only one around
when your hope falls down
But we're young, open flowers in the windy fields
of this war-torn world
And love, this city breathes the plague
of loving things more than their creators
I ran away
I could not take the burden of both me and you
It was too fast
Casting love on me as if it were a spell I could not break
When it was a promise I could not make
But what if I was wrong?
But hold on to what you believe in the light
When the darkness has robbed you of all your sight
And now this land means less and less to me
Without you breathing through its trees
At every turn the water runs away from me
and the halo disappears
and the hole when you're not here
So what if I was wrong?
But hold on to what you believe in the light
When the darkness has robbed you of all your sight
So hold on to what you believed in the light
--"Hold On To What You Believe" Mumford & Sons

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My lip gloss be cool

So, for some reason this morning in the shower, I had the song "Lip gloss" by Lil Mama stuck in my head. It continued to stay in my head for pretty much the rest of the day. And the more I listened to the song, the more agitated I became with the song. The more agitated I became with Lil Mama, and with the current music sector in general. Let's be honest, most pop culture music today is terrible! Should I name some examples: Lil Mama, Snoop Dog, 50 cent, Rebecca Black and even Katy Perry. Don't get me wrong, their tunes are catchy and often witty but are they really substantial? What message does it send? Only ones that you like to have sex and party. Definitely intellectual!! This isn't just within the past five years. I mean go back 20 years and you have songs like "Ice Ice Baby" and "Baby got back" and "MMMBop". But what happened?! What went so wrong that we went from writing deep, intellectual and meaningful songs to writing fluff? I seriously think there are marshmallows more dense than most songs today, in comparison to songs like "Sunday Bloody Sunday", "Imagine", and "Awake my Soul" (I had to throw a Mumford song in there :)). Just saying.
As much as I am bashing pop culture music, I will admit - I have Beiber fever!! And hey, if it makes you dance and makes you happy then to you it is good music, but I think that overall there has been a steep decline in quality and content of music in the past 30 years and I pray everyday for a new revival of artists to step out, not only in courage but also out of the box and put their heart on their sleeve to come up with creative and meaningful music.

"Music expresses feeling and though, without language; it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words." - Robert G. Ingersoll

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hakuna Matata

It means no worries...for the rest of your days!!
Apparently, whoever wrote this song has never been to college. In the last week of college, I can't believe it's only been one week, I feel as though I have read an entire textbook, written the equivalent of a doctoral dissertation, had more to do than I ever did in all my high school years combined! And yet, I have to say, I am thoroughly enjoying it. Call me crazy but I love to have a busy schedule. And yet at the same time I want to pull my hair out. A feeling that only a fellow college student could understand!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Safe? Of course He's not safe! But He's good"

Hello friends and family!!
I hope this update finds you well and accomplishing all of your New Year’s resolutions. It has been about 6 weeks since my last update, sorry guys! So… since it has been a while since my last update, this may be a long one. So before we begin, grab yourself a nice cup of coffee and make sure that you are comfy J
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? My DTS headed out for outreach on December 5. Heading first to Port Elizabeth, then a 20 hour bus ride to Johannesburg where we stayed overnight. We then departed the next day for another 18 hours of flying/layovers before finally arriving in Hong Kong. That was almost worse than travelling to South Africa from the States (which was give or take about 35 hours of travel) Getting through customs was far easier than expected and my team was able to get through without any complications. Thank you Jesus! Our accommodation situation was far better than I could have imagined. Having heard many, many stories from previous DTS students, I was prepared for the worst. We were staying in a 900 year old village, the oldest in Hong Kong which was inhabited by the Tang clan, so everyone within the village had the last name of Tang. Talk about confusing when addressing people! Our apartment was a 3 bedroom, 1 bath with a nice living room and a decent kitchen. As nice as it was to have our own apartment, some of the utilities within took some adjusting to. For example, the kitchen had a tiny countertop with one gas burner so cooking a simple dinner of spaghetti could take a good 45 minutes. Or the shower situation which was a bathroom with a toilet, sink and hand held shower head. No tub, no curtain, and a tiny drain equaled a shower standing over the toilet and trying to wash your hair. Awkward!! I can’t complain too much though considering all the luxuries I had compared to other outreaches.
So…we arrived in Hong Kong December 8th I believe, and were super lucky to be able to relax for a few days before beginning our Christmas Outreach program. Christmas Outreach began on December 13th, so for the first few days we had an orientation on the base, village, and Hong Kong. We also had mini lectures, so to speak, about evangelism and sharing your testimony and things that were going to be helpful during the outreaches. It was awesome to receive those lectures, no matter how brief, because they were very informative and were a great asset to attain for outreach and even just for life. We were also taught dances and dramas which we were to perform during the outreaches. We learned routines such as a choreographed drama called “It’s my life”, a clown skit, a Samoan island dance, “Jingle Bells”, and a skit called “Eat Work Sleep”. I was not involved in each but rather we were split into groups which were each given a performance or two that they learned and would perform. Each team would go on outreach for two days and would spend the third day on the base serving. (Since there were 3 major teams) Each outreach our team would go on would consist of two or three of our performances with a few testimonies and a preaching at the end. After all was said and done, we would break off with our ministry partner to go talk to the spectators and share the gospel with them. I was so thankful to have been paired with a “veteran”. Mirjam is a staff at the Hong Kong base and it was wonderful to have her as my partner considering she has done this stuff before. But not only had she done it before, but she challenged me to go and talk to people, instead of hiding in the shadows while she talked to the people. (Which to be honest, was far easier) Some of the places we had outreaches included: Five Flags aka Star Ferry Pier, Temple Street Market, schools, drug rehabilitation centers, and Chelsea Heights mall. My favorite, being a future teacher and all, was the school that we were able to go to. It was so cute! Before we performed for the school, each class was brought into the library where we were sitting and came and talked to us to practice their English. They each brought a script and would start out by saying “Hello. My name is _________. How are you today?” As a polite response I would say that I am well and would ask them how they are doing. You could see the panic come across their face as they realized that they did not know how to respond since that was not on their script. After asking us questions about ourselves, what we like, why we are here, and such they would give us either a Christmas card or a bookmark. Some of which hilariously stated: “My name is Gary Chan. I like green frogs. I like red watermelon.” Or “Merry Exams!!” Or “I miss you baby!!” Most of the outreaches did not result in many miraculous healings or thousands of salvations but rather most of them, we were able to encourage many Christians that we came into contact with and I truly believe that we were able to plant many seeds. When mailing a postcard back home to my family, there are dozens of people that touch it and are involved in the process of getting it into my momma’s hands but typically only one is able to be the one to deliver it and put it in her mailbox. That does not discredit the other’s work, it simply means that they are a means to the end and I believe that it was the same with the Christmas Outreach. Though we were not able to be the ones to be there when they give their life to Jesus we were able to be one of the ones to help plant the seed and to help deliver their heart to Him. That does not mean though that we didn’t see any salvations!! Our team, in fact, saw about 10 salvations throughout the outreach. Most of which took place at the drug rehabilitation centers. How cool is that?! I enjoyed every minute of the outreaches and being pushed in my faith to step out of my comfort zone and of my western thinking to approach someone and ask if they know Jesus.
Christmas Day was a bit difficult, to be quite frank. However, I was expecting that it would not be like a normal Christmas. And to my relief it was not a normal Christmas for my parents either. Christmas morning there was a HUGE brunch with made-to-order omelets, pastries, fruit salad, and multiple kinds of coffee. There was worship later that morning and a showing of the movie Elf which helped relieve some homesickness since that movie is a tradition in the Bethke family. I was also able to call my parents, which was wonderful! That night was full, between a large international dinner, a talent show, and a gift exchange. There was not a whole lot of time to think about the fact that it was Christmas morning back home, which helped a lot. Even though all the activities helped take my mind off from not being home, it ended up feeling more like a party and less like Christmas day. Which looking back now, I supposed helped because it made it feel less real that I was not home for the biggest holiday of the year. But be sure that next year I will be making up for sure with the lack of Christmas spirit this year. Beware Scrooge! New Year’s Eve on the other hand was easier to handle. That night my team and I celebrated with snacks and card games. We rung in the by praying together as a team and thanking God for the past year. I don’t think I could come up with a better way to spend the new year!
After Christmas Outreach, my team stayed in Hong Kong for about another three weeks to continue outreach. We took a few days off again to rest and were able to head to some tourist destinations such as Stanley Market. We also got to go to Victoria’s Peak which was simply incredible!! Victoria’s Peak is the highest 360 degree view of Hong Kong City and has a tram that takes you up the mountain at incredibly steep angles. It was pretty scary at time! I greatly appreciated Petro, our outreach leader, giving us time off to rest before we continued with ministries. She has been such a blessing and am so grateful that she joined our team.
For about two weeks we continued to doing ministry within Hong Kong. Some of the ministries included serving at an organization called Crossroads, teaching Sunday School at a church, and going down to the Red Light District in Wan Chai. First off, Crossroads Organization. What an incredible company! Crossroads is exactly what it’s name is. It is a crossroads between need and supply, so to do this they accept donations of any kind from individuals and businesses. They accept anything from old computers to clothing to furniture to school supplies. And then when a ministry or country calls in need of something, Crossroads goes into their warehouse and sends it to the people in need. Like the flooding in Thailand for example, when it happened Crossroads sent out tons of first aid supplies, clothing, and anything else the people could need at no charge to them. They also have simulation modules to give people a real life experience of things such as HIV/AIDS, a refugee camp, a drug addict struggles, loan sharks, life in the slums, and so on. The coolest part of it all is that when they first started the simulations they invited the big wigs of Hong Kong to come and try the refugee module. So about 20 CEOs and presidents of large corporations in H.K. came together for about 24 hours, without their watches, cell phones, laptops, or anything of value and were placed in a smoky room with men with guns and had to “survive”, so to speak, for 24 hours under those conditions. After the experience these extremely powerful men walked out of the experience weeping because it totally changed how they viewed life and how they want to manage their companies. Seeing that is was a success, they took this simulation to the Global Economic forum held every year. Some of the biggest names in the market have done the refugee module including people like the CEO of Gucci and of Nike. (Which is so impressive, considering Nike is one of the worst organizations known for child labor and exploiting workers at the expense of cheaper manufacturing.) And what better way to change the world then to change the minds of the people with the most power! It was such an incredible opportunity to serve there and would love to go back one day to serve again and to try some of the simulations. Another one of our ministries that we did was teaching Sunday School at a local church. It was so cool how it worked out because before we left, Petro’s pastor told her about a South African family that was living in H.K. and working at a church there. We got into contact with them and they invited us over for a braai at their apartment. We thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company and felt at ease with them instantly. We were going to lead two after school programs as well but were unable to because there was not enough children. Our last Sunday in H.K. though we were able to go to St. Andrew’s Church and teach the children’s classes on the topic of missions. The age group that I worked with was 7-10 so before the lesson we arranged to play a game, similar to 4 corners but whenever a country (which where the corners) was called on the children had to give a fact about the country that they were “in”. One of the boys when called upon, standing at the America corner, shouted “AMERICA HATES GOD!!” It was definitely one of those moments where you want to laugh but it’s not appropriate to and you don’t want to embarrass the child. So I simply told him that he and I would have a chat later and that we can talk about America. It was so funny to hear the facts that the children would come up with about that given country. I cannot even begin to express how happy I was to get to work with children again, since that is what I love. I was so grateful that we were able to do that and able to work with children. One of our other ministry opportunities was going down to the Red Light District. I have always wanted to do that, and going down there that night only deepened my desire to one day work with it more. Once a the R.L.D. we went to a local park and prayed and worshipped for about 30-45 minutes and immediately you could sense a change in atmosphere. Stepping off the train I was overcome with a presence of evil and just a feeling of a dark cloud covering the area but as soon as we started worshipping it vanished and I just felt a total weight off my shoulders. We broke off into groups of 2’s and went out to go talk to some of the ladies. My friend Alicia and I started walking and tried talking to the ladies but unless you are talking business with them, you get chased away by the madams. While we were walking around we just started praying and proclaiming territory and rebuking the enemy. Even though we didn’t have any incredible salvations or healings or anything I am confident that us just being there and praying was doing something, if not in this realm, for sure in the spiritual. As we were walking though, a few men started following us. At first we thought nothing of but after a while when they were still behind us despite us crossing the street and zigzagging, we started to get a little nervous. After a while, they started closing in on us and the closer they got, the worse their comments were, making derogatory comments, saying what they want to do to us, and so on. Alicia and I were getting pretty nervous and were realizing that we were powerless against three men, each about twice our size. So we began to pray! As we prayed under our breath, I was totally filled with a spirit of power and was not afraid. I know that it was not me but the Holy Spirit that gave me that power because there is no way I could have been calm and at peace without the Holy Spirit in that situation. So yeah, we just started praying under our breath and proclaiming that we are princesses of God, of the Most High King and that we are surrounded by a royal army and that we cannot be touched! That the enemy will not harm us because we are protected under the blood of Jesus. As soon as we said that the men suddenly turned around and left. I still can’t get over how at peace I was with the situation and how calm I was! Anyone that is close to me knows that in emergencies, I panic. I freak out and flail around like a chicken with its head cut off. So for me to be calm in the midst of being followed, speaks volumes. And just shows me that much more how good the father heart of God is!!
Where to start about Petro?! I figured I would say a little something about her and brag a little bit since she has been so good to the team. She has been so incredible and has encouraged us to call her Tannie Petro which is Afrikaans for Auntie Petro. Which is exactly what she has been! She told us bedtime stories and sang to us and has been protective in anything that comes against us. I appreciate her support and love and encouragement. It is so evident how much of a gift of leadership that she has. Having led 17 DTS’s she knows a thing or two about outreach but I never once felt that she was above me but rather like an auntie, she was superior to me but loved me just the same and I am so thankful. Knowing how our lecture phase was, she arranged for us to have teaching while we were in H.K. I just cannot even express how thankful I am and how much I love her!
So…my apologies for a) not having written an update at all while in H.K. and b) for this being so long. The team leaves again for outreach on Monday to Cape Town for 2 weeks and then the Garden Route for about 2 or 3 more so it will be a while before another update.
Prayer requests:
- My team and unity (though praise God we are getting better!)
- Our outreaches in Cape Town and the Garden Route (safety and ministries)
- And pray that time flies by so I can come home quickly ;)
All my love,
Q: What kind of dance do frogs like?
A: Hip-Hop